


Here’s a rewritten follow-up email:

Subject: Acceptance – Graphics Designer Intern at GABATA (Phase 2)

Dear [Applicant Name],

We hope this email finds you well. We wanted to personally reach out to you regarding your application for the Graphics Designer Intern position at GABATA.

We were overwhelmed with the response, receiving over 100 applications! After careful review, we have selected the top 10 candidates, including yourself, to move forward to Phase 2.

Please note that this internship is non-paid; however, we offer incentives such as:

– Opportunity to work with a dynamic team
– Hands-on experience in graphic design
– Mentorship and guidance from experienced designers
– Flexible working hours and remote work options
– Academic credit (if applicable)
– A chance to build your portfolio with real-world projects
– And, most importantly, a possibility to be retained as a permanent staff member at GABATA upon successful completion of the internship and demonstration of exceptional skills and dedication.

If you’re still interested in pursuing this opportunity, please reply to this email by the end of the day to confirm your acceptance. This will ensure your spot in Phase 2, where you’ll be completing a design challenge to further demonstrate your skills.

We look forward to hearing back from you soon and potentially welcoming you to our team!

Best regards,

[Your Name]


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