Remote Cerative Copywriter

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  • #3408


    Remote Cerative Copywriter

    The Job
    Despite our out of date website which you would be helping to update. Entermotion for the past several years has been primarily involved with application development and special projects. Our roots are that of a traditional design studio, but we’re in a fun new transitionary period as we ride the coattails of successful projects.

    We’re looking for someone to act as sort of an internal journalist to tell the stories of our success. We’ve been focusing so much on doing what we do we haven’t raised our heads long enough to tell about all the cool stuff we’ve been doing. Someone needs to dig for those stories and help us share.

    Also, there are words that need written to do what we do. Support articles. Sales site copy. You know… copywriting.


    2 months maternity leave/1 month paternity leave

    Flexible vacations

    Paid sick leave

    Being able to go to lunch when you want to like a real human.

    Flexible schedules. That sort of thing. You know, being treated like a person. Not a productivity unit.

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