PostDoc / RA recruitment in Neural Network / Computational Intelligence / Evolut

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  • #2655


    PostDoc / RA recruitment in Neural Network / Computational Intelligence / Evolutionary Computation at City University of Hong Kong.

    A suitable candidate should have ALL of the following good (not necessarily excellent) qualifications:

    Good Publication Records (e.g. 1 journal paper per year)

    Good Technical Skills (e.g. GPA > 3 out of 4)

    Good Judgement Ability (e.g. Job Prioritization)

    Good English Writing (e.g. TOEFL and IELTS)

    Good Adaptation to Different Environments

    Good Ability to Work Independently

    The candidate is also expected to deliver independent research works published on good journals (e.g. IEEE TNNLS, PAMI, TEVC, CYB, and others) for his/her career advancements in the future.

    Interested candidates should contact Prof. Ka-Chun WONG directly at:

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