Introducing ChatDOC – seamless file uploads and chatting.

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  • #2647


    Can’t upload files in ChatGPT? No worries!

    Introducing ChatDOC – seamless file uploads and chatting.

    Here’s how to upload and chat with your docs using AI:
    1. Visit

    – Upload any document (pdf, word, docx, md, scanned file or website).

    – Instantly receive auto-generated questions.

    2. Ask Anything:

    – Feel free to ask any questions about your files in over 40 languages.

    – Personalize prompts that align with your preferences and ask them whenever you need them.

    3. Follow-up Queries:

    – Ask more questions to explore a topic in greater depth.
    4. Supported by Citations:

    – Each answer is supported by solid evidence.

    – Even scans are optimized for maximum accuracy and efficiency.

    5. Highlight texts & tables:

    – Gain a deeper understanding by highlighting important text or tables and asking questions.

    – ChatDOC will offer you detailed explanations.

    6. Support Multiple Files:

    – Simultaneously ask questions on multiple files.

    – Target specific questions by selecting partial files within a collection.
    7. Chat with the text content of the website.

    – Now you can upload website URLs and chat with them without the need for any downloads.

    – Currently, it is mainly suitable for scenarios such as help centers, user manuals, or knowledge Q&A.
    ChatDOC API offers powerful features:

    – Extract precise data from any file.
    – View original files alongside the chatbot.
    – Trace AI responses to document sections.
    – You can even build your own custom chatbot.
    Master anything with incredible speed.

    Soar into the top 1% using the power of this AI tool.

    Experience it firsthand today at

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