Fullstack Engineer Location: Remote Anywhere

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  • #3422


    Fullstack Engineer

    Location: Remote Anywhere

    Salary: 20 to 45 EUR per hour (and even more for really skilled candidates).

    Who can apply
    You are able to be online within about 6 hours on workdays from 9 am to 6 pm Stockholm time (CET).
    You can receive payments from Sweden (SWIFT payments in EUR are preferred).

    What skills are required
    Good spoken English – we are an international team, not native speakers, but we should be able to understand each other easily.
    5+ years of experience in software development.
    Good knowledge and experience with React+Redux, JS & TS, Node.js.
    An ability to solve different and unique tasks.
    Flexibility and sharpness of mind.

    How to apply
    Send an email to fullstack-job@fibbl.com with the following information (preferably as an ordered list):

    Your name.
    Your age.
    Total experience in years.
    Your country and timezone.
    Your desired salary in EUR per hour, e.g. 25 eur.
    Your strongest side as a developer, e.g. “I’m a generalist and have worked with 100500 different technologies” or “I’m smart and quite good at solving complex problems / non-standard tasks”.
    Anything you want to add + your resume/CV. You can attach it to the email or add a link.

    Use “Job Application” as an email subject, if you are sending a resume. Or “Question”, if you just want to ask something.

    Start your email with the phrase “A white bear is eating a fish” – it will prove that you have read this job description.

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