Call For Applications: Mastercard Foundation Africa Growth Fund For SMEs( USD$20

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    Call For Applications: Mastercard Foundation Africa Growth Fund For SMEs( USD$200 million Fund )

    The Mastercard Foundation Africa Growth Fund is a bold initiative—a USD $ 200 million Fund of Funds—that works through African investment funds to support early-stage, growth-oriented small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) on the continent.

    The Mastercard Foundation Africa Growth Fund’s goal is to provide dignified and fulfilling work for young people, particularly young women.

    Eligibility Requirements

    To be considered for the fund, you must be a small or medium enterprise (SME) owner in Africa.


    The Mastercard Foundation Africa Growth Fund is a bold initiative—a USD$200 million Fund of Funds—that works through African investment funds to support early-stage, growth-oriented small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) on the continent.
    The Fund-of-Funds invests in African investment vehicles targeting small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and applies Gender Lens Investing (GLI) principles.
    It provides Business Development Services (BDS) support to investment funds and portfolio SMEs.
    It targets a major boost in decent jobs for women and youth.

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