10 Best Websites to Help You Practice JavaScript.

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  • #2643


    10 Best Websites to Help You Practice JavaScript.

    1. JSchallenger

    Learn JavaScript online by solving coding exercises.
    2. Exercism

    Improve your fluency in JavaScript with Exercism’s unique approach of learning, practicing, and mentoring.
    3. Edabit

    Edabit has interactive exercises ranging from easy to complex, and you can filter the challenges using tags.
    4. W3Schools

    An optimized learning platform. Learning JavaScript from Tutorials, references, and examples, W3School, make it a lot easier

    5. Codecademy

    A hands-on learning environment where you’ll be writing real code from your very first lesson.
    6. Codewars

    Codewars is a fantastic platform that helps you enhance your skills by engaging in challenges with fellow learners.
    7. Learn JavaScript

    The easiest way to learn and practice modern JavaScript.
    8 Coding Game

    A challenge-based training platform for programmers where you can improve your coding skills with fun exercises.
    9. HackerRank

    Start learning and improve your JavaScript fundamentals.
    10. Educative

    Educative offers an assessment test, specifically for JavaScript. This test can be completed in approximately 20 minutes.

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